I challenge all the NFL players to put on a real uniform, work 7 days a week, 12-16 hours a day or more, deployed where you never really sleep, never relax, never feel safe and you making $32,000 a year. Those are the real heroes of this Nation. They kneel when the pray or when they grieve over the loss of a fellow soldier. By God when the American Flag goes by, they proudly stand at attention and salute that Flag and when the National Anthem is played they proudly honor that song for they fought and some died to protect all the freedoms that the Flag and that Anthem represent. Come on NFL players, show us some real bravery, some good old American spirit. Put on a real uniform and show us what your made of. When you kneel when our flag is presented or you kneel when the National Anthem is played you really are showing us what your made of. And by the way, standing and locking arms is no better or less offensive than kneeling, it just shows that not only are you cowards, you stupid. Your stupid to think that America would accept that as an alternative. IT IS NOT AN ALTERNATIVE. THE ONLY OPTIONS ARE TO STAND AT ATTENTION WITH YOUR HAND OVER YOUR HEART OR FOR THOSE WHO HAVE BRAVELY SERVED THIS COUNTRY, A RIGHT HAND SALUTE. ANYTHING ELSE SHOWS THE WORLD THAT YOU ARE A KNEELING COWARD.
If you will research why Francis Scott Key wrote the "Star Spangled Banner" you will realize why I am upset about these NFL players protesting. They don’t even know what it is they are protesting. The flag was still standing after 200 English ships tried to take it down. They kept it up all night and it could only be seen when the bombs were bursting in the air. So many patriots gave their lives to keep the flag up, and now to have people protesting who don’t have a clue about any of this really bothers me. They play a game and think it's the same as protecting our country and our values. They haven't a clue. They bang their heads and expect sympathy from the world because, concussion? Ha! The Greeks called it Devine madness. During our Civil War it was called Soldiers Heart. Doctor's called it Shell Shock during WWI. It was renamed Combat Fatigue during WWII. After Vietnam it was called Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, P.T.S.D. Those brave men now r...
Seems to me you forgotten why they are kneeling in the first place. Maybe while you're calling them cowards you should find out why they're kneeling. Because in no way is it to disrespect the American flag our American way our soldiers who fight for us whatsoever. I'm appalled by someone calling anyone trying to stand up to social injustice a coward. While you sit and do nothing but create a blog to attack and insult other people who are at least trying to put their money and their names on the line trying to create change in this great country we call America. My family has fought in Wars for my freedom my ancestors have slaved for my freedom and you create a blog for what to create awareness to your own selfish opinion? I'm ashamed at what you've chosen to do with your time God Bless America and God bless educated people taking the time to learn what is going on in this country and who's back it was built on and what is happening to those people now. A coward is someone who sits by and does nothing to create positive change. A coward is someone who sits by and allows for their system that is designed to protect everyone to deservice anyone. You think my grandfather's and my cousins died in wars for that?
ReplyDeleteA very interesting editorial. My guess is that you, like most of the NFL players who seem to think that kneeling during the National Anthem, have never served time in the military. My guess is that you never miss a football game and that you treat those who kneel as some sort of hero. I stand my ground, those who kneel during the National Anthem are cowards and are not man enough to wear a real uniform.