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NFL players are even more stupid than they look

 If you will research why Francis Scott Key wrote the "Star Spangled Banner" you will realize why I am upset about these NFL players protesting. They don’t even know what it is they are protesting.
The flag was still standing after 200 English ships tried to take it down. They kept it up all night and it could only be seen when the bombs were bursting in the air. So many patriots gave their lives to keep the flag up, and now to have people protesting who don’t have a clue about any of this really bothers me. They play a game and think it's the same as protecting our country and our values. They haven't a clue. They bang their heads and expect sympathy from the world because, concussion? Ha!
  The Greeks called it Devine madness. During our Civil War it was called Soldiers Heart. Doctor's called it Shell Shock during WWI. It was renamed Combat Fatigue during WWII. After Vietnam it was called Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, P.T.S.D. Those brave men now returning home from Iraq or Afghanistan will now suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome, P.T.S.S.
  No matter what you call it, there is still no cure. Those that fought and died suffer no more. Those that fought and live with this invisible pain, will live with it forever.
Anyone that disrespects these Military men and women, disrespect their own nation, flag and values better check themselves. If they think that playing a game raises them to status of hero are nothing but pathetic. Unworthy of being in the human race.


  1. Sharon,

    I sent this letter to the Head of the Ca. NAACP as they are wanting to take get of our National Anthem. I have yet to get a response from her.

    09 Nov 2017

    TO: Alice Huffman
    RE: The US National Anthem
    From: Sharon R Moore

    I recently saw an article on YAHOO declaring our National Anthem as racist and needs to be removed. To quote you from the article “We have only had the National Anthem since 1931 so it should be no big deal.” Well I am a USAF veteran who works with a USMC veteran and for us the National Anthem is a big deal. Here goes your history lesson for the day take notes so you can get your facts straight the next time you throw yourself in the limelight. I do know that you are trying to make a name for yourself and soak up your 15 minutes of fame but educate yourself first. Pick up a credible source of history maybe from the Library of Congress. You cannot take just the excerpts from the original poem to prove it is racist because yes in the context you are highlighting it would be racist. That being stated let’s go History for Dummies.
    The war of 1812 was fought not because of slavery, but over fair trade. It was also to stop the British from taking our sailors and solders to fight for their side of the war. The US wanted this behavior to end. We were now our own Country and our citizens were no longer a part of the British Empire. In comes Frances Scott Key arising one morning in 1814 and recalling the sight before him. He penned The Star Spangled Banner. It was to describe the vision he saw through the haze of smoke from bombs and gunfire. He saw our flag waving proudly and in solitude amongst the crumbled state of the land left behind after the battle. Yes he does speak of the foulness of the blood and their footsteps. This is in reference to the British that caused this carnage. He refers to the slave (hireling-man who works for pay only no matter what job) and he speaks of the freeman as well. These references were to mention all the classes were unable to escape certain death from battle. I know this is a lot to take in all at once.

    Frances Scott Key was against slavery and fought for the slaves to be freed. That was not mentioned in your rant. We are not here about the man himself but the questionable words he penned to paper in 1814. The Anthem was set to music shortly after he wrote it. In 1913 it was requested to be played at all formal events, sporting events, and in political themed events. In 1931 they deemed it the National Anthem officially. Usually only the first verse was presented as our country has changed over the prior century as we evolved.

    Throughout my military career I visited many different countries. I have seen statues of Hitler and the Holocaust Memorial. Historical churches the citizens of these Countries aren’t trying to tear them down. They are not trying to purge themselves of a dead era. No these items stand tall among the scenery of their villas, towns, and cities. They represent past mistakes, and act as a reminder how far they have come and grown as a society. A reminder not to revert to primitive times when this was acceptable. Maybe the US could learn from this don’t bury the past just don’t repeat it.

    So, no our anthem should not budge, and our flag should fly proudly as I covered many men, and women of the only race that exists the human race with those colors.
    I have included a full copy of the original poem with this letter. I will be sending copies of this to all the papers in CA and other major news outlets.
    I look forward to your response.


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